Children Aged 5-7 Years
Meeting Time
Monday 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm during school term
About Joeys
Joey Scouts is the youngest section of the Scouting movement. For Joey Scouts, life is an exciting adventure. They explore the wider world, stimulate their imagination and develop skills in team work.
The Joey Scout Mob meets once a week for 1 hours under the care and supervision of professionally trained Joey Scout Leaders. Parents and Guardians are welcome to join in the road to adventure with their Joey Scouts and share many new discoveries.
Joey Scout activities include:
- Playing new games
- Learning how to make craft projects
- Learning new songs
- Dressing up
- Storytelling, miming, and acting
- Learning about Scouting
- Sleep overs and Mob Holidays
- Going on outdoor activities
- Making new friends
Joey Scout Motto
Help Other People (HOP)
Joey Scout Promise
I promise
To do my best
To love my God
And be helpful
Joey Scout Law
A Joey Scout cares
A Joey Scout shares
Detailed information regarding fees is provided by Contacting your Group Leader.
Youth members, young adults and Leaders are required to attend in full uniform, which includes section specific shirt, scarf, woggle and enclosed shoes (unless otherwise advised for individual meetings). Uniform can be purchased from the Scout Shop on line
All Members should dress appropriately for the type of activity in which they are participating.
Linking to Cubs
The commencement for advancement in Sections may vary up to 6 months.
Joey Scouts may commence transition to the next session between the ages of 71/2 to the age of 8.
Extensions beyond age range may be granted in accordance with the Victorian Branch Scouting Instructions (VBSI) Section 2.1.12. Further information is available from your Group leader or your section leader.

Cub Leader

Cub Leader
Join the Adventure!
New members are requested to contact our Group Leader prior to attending a meeting night.