Joey Scouts
Our youngest Scouts are children aged 5-8. They meet each week as a Joey Scout Mob. Every two years they have a State-wide weekend camp called a Kangaree. Joeys can earn a major award called the Promise Challenge. Read more…

Cub Scouts
Cubs are children aged 8-11. They meet as a Cub Scout Pack, where they operate in small teams called Sixes. Each Six is led by an older Cub called a Sixer. Sixers and their Leaders meet to plan their program. This group is called the Pack Council. Every three years more than 3600 Victorian Cubs enjoy a huge week-long camp called a Cuboree. Cubs can earn a major award called the Grey Wolf.

Scouts, aged 11-14, are the original Section of Scouting and have been co-ed since 1988. Scouts began at a trial camp in England in August 1907. Scouts meet as a Scout Troop, which is comprised of small teams called Patrols, led by a Patrol Leader. PLs meet with their Leaders as the Troop Council, to plan their program and plan other aspects of the Troop. By now, youth members are increasingly taking over the running of their Section – planning their program, managing finance, and even dealing with any behaviour problems. Every three years Scouts from around Australia and beyond gather for a two-week camp called a Jamboree. Scouts can earn the award called the Australian Scout Medallion.

Venturer Scouts
Venturers, aged 14-18, and have a much larger say in their own activities. Venturers meet as a Venturer Unit. Members of the Unit elect the Unit Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and other office bearers, who meet as the Unit Council, to plan their program and other aspects of the Unit.. Scouts have Jamborees; Venturers have a national event called a Venture every three years. Many also go to the New Zealand Venture. Venturers and older Scouts also attend World Jamborees where tens of thousands of Scouts from around the world gather. Venturers can earn a major award called the Queen’s Scout award.

Rover Scouts
Rovers are young men and women, aged 18-26, who run their own program, finances, property, major events and much more. They have a strong annual program including motor sport and social events. Their major events are called Moots. The peak award in this Section is the Baden-Powell Rover Scout award.